Friday, May 25, 2012

How Smutty should you make Your game?

Just for clarification, if you are making a game strictly for your own enjoyment, and don't really care if anyone else wants to play it, feel free to ignore this essay and make your game however you please.

On the other hand, if you intend to make a game for a playing, and possibly paying, audience, this is my advice.

 How  Smutty
should you make Your game?

Before you can even approach this question, first you'll need to decide:

WHO is your target audience?
  • What Age bracket are you aiming for: 
    • Under 18? 
    • Over 21?
  • What Gender
    • Male? 
    • Female? 
    • Both?
  • What Type of Gamer
    • Those who prefer Story over Game-play, or 
    • Those who prefer Game-play over Story?  
    • Those who prefer Story and Game-play equally balanced.
    • Those who prefer Art Galleries with as little story or game-play as possible.
    • Other
  • What kind of Story do they prefer: 
    • Angst
    • Slice-of-Life
    • Romantic Comedy
    • BDSM
    • Horror
    • Psychological Thrillers
    • Mystery
    • Comedy of Errors
    • Supernatural
    • Sci-Fi
    • Steampunk
    • Fantasy
    • Yaoi (M/M)
    • Yuri (F/F)
    • Other
The wonderful thing about smut is that it can be used in any genre.

Once you know WHO your target audience is, how smutty you should make your game depends on these major factors:

1) Your Target Audience and THEIR Expectations.
What level of graphic smut does your target audience EXPECT in their games? 

Designing your game toward what your target audience likes and wants is the easiest and most effective way of guaranteeing that they'll adore your work.

As a professional erotica author, my target audience are the readers of my novels. They expect extremely detailed xXx work from me because that's how my novels are written.

2) Your Skill Level in Art and/or Writing.
Can you draw or write Good smut?

Realize your strengths, but more importantly -- your weaknesses

I don't have the artistic skills to draw smut well, but I Do have the skill to write very good smut, so I handle my smut scenes with one static R-16 (suggestive) image paired with very detailed R-18 text. This has proved very effective for me because a static image does not distract my audience from the extremely detailed smut they are reading.

3) The level of smut YOU are comfortable producing.
How smutty are you willing to go?

I'm comfortable with any level, from sweet romance to xXx smut, but that's just me.

If you are not comfortable writing or drawing smut Don't Do It because that discomfort will show in your results.

4) The Story.
Would smut Add to the story, or Ruin it?

Smut is all well and fine, but if your game doesn't actually need a full-on smut scene to get its point across, then a simple kissing scene is smutty enough.

Out of the six games I've made, two are not R-18 because those two games would not have benefited from R-18 material. In both cases, smut would have distracted the players from the actual point of those games.

Make the Smut COUNT!
Just like every other element in your work, Smut needs a Purpose, a reason to be in the story. 

Show something:  
The type of smut a character prefers, and how they choose and gain their partners, can easily be used to reveal a character's Base Personality: tender, sweet, attention to detail, aggressive, humorous, serious…

Prove something:  
Smut scenes are an excellent tool for visible demonstrations of a couple's progression from mere passionate attraction to protective and supportive love. They can also demonstrate the downward spiral of a destructive relationship, such as one that starts with attraction and ends with irrational obsession.

Make something Happen: 
The best way to make smut work in a story is by having the smut trigger a shift in the plot. The traditional use for smut in Romance fiction is to make or break a relationship, but that’s not all it can do.

Smut can cause Transformations.
  • Vampirism and Lycanthropy as STDs. 
  • Demonic or Spiritual possession as STD
Smut can trigger Psychic or Magical ability.
  • Initiation rituals
  • The classic hentai game Bible Black uses this.
Smut can be a Distraction that allows someone else to accomplish something nefarious.
  • The modus operandi of the classic Femme Fatale.
Smut can show a radical change in a character's Personality. 
  • The classic novel, Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde does this.

    I like about you pointing out the weak points (mine is definitely the level of written smut), many tips only talk about what to do and not what there is to realize before. :D

    Well, if you know where you want to end up, you're more likely to actually get there. That means having the car pointed in the right direction from the very beginning. (If you're going to California and Route 84 won't take you there, don't get on Route 84.)

    I'm firmly of the opinion that any weakness can be worked around. You just have to be clever about it. However, you can't work around any limitation if you - 1 - don't acknowledge that it exists, and - 2 - Plan for it.

    There is a work-around for a weakness in writing smut!
    • First, read some good smut and Collect It. Seriously, collect GOOD smut novels and bookmark the appropriate pages.
    • Break out your highlighting pens and Highlight the Action and Description parts of those scenes. Skip the dialog because you won't be needing that.
    • Write all those highlighted pieces into a document - only DON'T COPY the exact words! Paraphrase them by swapping out that writer's words with your own. Don't forget to elaborate on what you have by adding plenty of adjectives. (A thesaurus is very handy for this.)
    • Add bits of scenery description and YOUR dialog.
    • Rewrite and polish to suit your work. By the time you're done, the scene will be twice as long and Entirely Yours.

    Before you freak out...! 
    It's only plagiarism if you are using the exact same exact phrases

    What you're doing is using a successful MODEL to build your own work on. Eventually, with practice, you'll be able to create without a model to work from.

    Just so you know, this is a REAL writing exercise practiced for years by Romance authors and Horror authors. It's one the Big Secrets they don't like to share because it WORKS.

    Art is taught the same way -- Copying

    Everything is a Remix Part 3: 
    Elements of Creativity

    Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.
    Warning: FALSE ENDING!!! Check the time left before you leave?
    When you draw from life, you're Copying what's before you. However, the way you draw and what tools you use changes the results into something uniquely yours. Even in a life-drawing class of 30 students, all using the same type of paper and the same type of charcoals, every student in that class will always have uniquely different results -- despite the fact that they're all drawing the same model. This is because no two artists SEE or Create the same way.

    The Renpy system is also done the same way.
     -- You start with a successful Game Model and elaborate on the basic model by adding images, sound, and text. That alone makes for an amazing array of unique games -- despite the fact that they're all built on the same Renpy Model.

    In Conclusion...
    When used cleverly, smut can be an amazing tool to enhance a story. However, when used badly, or  worse; as an afterthought, ("Oh hey, let's add some smut scenes!") smut can utterly ruin an otherwise entertaining game.

    The worst thing a creator can do is have smut scenes tacked-on at the end of an otherwise PG rated game. This rather ugly trick is used to attract players who prefer adult content. Doing this is the lowest form of cheating because it's False Advertising, also known as pandering.

    Don't cheat your players!  If you're going to make a game with smut in it, design it to be smutty from the very beginning by making those scenes necessary to the story.


    Sunday, May 13, 2012

    5 Rules for Writing Interesting Choices in Multiple-Choice Games

    While scouring the 'net for tips and inspiration for my next visual novel, I ran across THIS rather interesting blog entry. (Ruthlessly edited for clarity.)

    5 Rules for Writing Interesting Choices
    in Multiple-Choice Games
     by: Dan Fabulich

    Note: Mr. Fabulich is Not a visual novel creator. He makes purely text-based, on-line "choose your own adventure" games. 

    The hardest thing about writing a multiple-choice game is creating interesting choices for your players. Here are five rules you can follow to make decisions you write more fun and engaging.

    Rule 1: Every option should have real consequences
    If my decision has no effect on anything, why am I even making a decision?

    This rule seems pretty simple, but in practice it’s hard to follow consistently. It’s easy to write a collection of choices where nothing really happens; the player moves from place to place pointlessly. If you catch yourself doing this, consider deleting those false decisions and skipping ahead to the good part!

    It’s also possible to take this rule too far, requiring that every option needs to branch into a completely different story. That would be pretty cool, but unfortunately it’s impossible to write a game like that; you’ll never finish.

    Traditional Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) book stories tend to be pretty short. It’s not hard to see why.

    This is a 19 page story: 

    This is a 117 page story:
    For more than you ever wanted to know about "Choose Your Own Adventure Game" books -->

    Fortunately, there are alternatives to merely branching the story. For example, sometimes player decisions don’t branch the story, but instead affect the main character’s attributes (“stats”) or other variables in the world.

    The scores of these "stats" can then be used to access a hidden option or trigger an automatic Pass or Fail on a challenge. (In RenPy, we do this with Variable Statements.)

    Some options may have no effect on the game, but have a big effect on the player’s imagination. For example, choosing a gender in Choice of the Dragon doesn’t really change the story at all, but it can completely change the way you think about the game, especially when it comes time to find a mate!

    Rule 2: The player needs some basis to make a decision
    Even if you’ve guaranteed that every option has consequences, if players have no idea what the consequences of their decisions will be, it becomes impossible to make a meaningful choice.

    The classic “Choose Your Own Adventure” books broke this rule all the time. As an example, here’s the very first choice from CYOA #2, Journey Under the Sea (the 2005 edition):
    The cable attaching you to the Maray [research vessel, above water] is extended to its limit. You have come to rest on a ledge near the canyon in the ocean floor that ancient myth says leads to the lost city of Atlantis.

    You have an experimental diving suit designed to protect you from the intense pressure of the deep. You should be able to leave the Seeker [personal submarine] and explore the sea bottom. The new suit contains a number of the latest microprocessors enabling a variety of useful functions. It even has a built-in PDA with laser communicator. You can cut loose from the cable; the Seeker is self-propelled. You are now in another world. Remember, this is a dangerous world, an unknown world.

    As agreed, you signal the Maray, “All systems GO. It’s awesome down here.”
    -- If you decide to explore the ledge where the Seeker has come to rest, turn to page 6.
    -- If you decide to cut loose from the Maray and dive with the Seeker into the canyon in the ocean floor, turn to page 4.
     How am I supposed to decide whether to explore the ledge or explore the canyon? Both of these options are exploratory; neither of them has any clear advantages or disadvantages. Without more information, I’m forced to decide at random.

    The goal of a multiple-choice game should be to make the player care about what happens; random decisions force players to disengage from their options and select an option unemotionally.

    Rule 3: No option should be obviously better or worse than all the others.
    If one of the options is significantly better than the others, the player selecting that option loses a sense of agency—the feeling of making a decision. It’s like that Dilbert cartoon where Dilbert creates a computer with just one big button: “We push the button for you before it leaves the factory.”

    If you’ve got one really great option, try to improve the others to match it. Similarly, if one option is much worse than the others, fix it or remove it.

    When you break this rule, resist the temptation to “fix” it by giving the player less information. Hiding the consequences just turns one mistake into another, by removing the player’s basis for making the decision.

    Instead, make an effort to ensure that every option is appealing in some way; even “wrong” choices should be fun. For example, in Choice of the Dragon, it IS possible for your dragon to die, sometimes rather gruesomely, but we tried to ensure that your death would always be pretty cool. Make the player say, “Wow, that was neat!” and not, “Oops. That was lame.”

    One particularly common way to make an option worse than all the others is to have an “opt-out” option, where you can choose not to participate in the story. If you’re telling a story about a big adventure, don’t put in an option to stay at home and not go out on the adventure. Either you’ll have to override the player’s choice, (which breaks Rule 1 by removing the consequences of the decision) or you’ll have to give the story a boring ending. “Opt-out” options are inherently uninteresting.

    Rule 4: Know your Players.
    Multiple-choice games are role-playing games. If you can learn what it means to be a good RPG game master, you’re well on your way to becoming a good game designer. A great deal has been written about how to be a good game master, including an enormous body of role-playing game theory, much of which is highly relevant to multiple-choice game design.

    One of the most important tips for good game masters is that not all of us play games for the same reason; different players can prefer vastly different games. Traditionally, three types of players stand out in role-playing games:

    -- Gamist players want to “win” the game; they win when their character is successful. They want victory to be difficult but attainable. Gamists usually prefer “power fantasy” stories, where they can take the role of heroes accomplishing great deeds.

    Dramatist / Narrativist
    -- Dramatists want to read a great story, even if their characters are unsuccessful; they play for the emotional impact. A dramatist would enjoy role-playing an epic tragedy, whereas a gamist would find a tragedy “unfair” because there is no way to win.

    -- A simulationist strives to ensure internal consistency within the rules; they want the game to be plausible. In multiple-choice games, simulationists prefer options that make sense for their characters, even if those choices don’t help them “win” and don’t make the story better. Simulationists especially dislike “unrealistic” consequences; for a simulationist, “that’s not what would really happen” is a damning critique.

    Multiple-choice games have another category which I think is distinct to computer RPGs:

    -- “What will happen if I push this button?” The explorationists want to discover what’s possible. They may become obsessed with finding every ending—good or bad—and trying options simply out of curiosity.

    Just keep in mind that most players will have more than one of these goals.

    And so...!
    Since a good multiple-choice game will be played online by thousands of strangers, it’s hard to “know your players” the way you know your friends. However, you should still decide which type(s) of players you’re trying to satisfy.
    • Are you writing a story?
    • Building a world?
    • Crafting a game?

    Due to the nature of the multiple-choice game format, it’s not impossible to satisfy many of these goals at once!

    Which will you choose?
    • The action that helps me win.
    • The action that creates the deepest story.
    • The action that my character would most likely choose in real life.
    • A mysterious action with unknown consequences.

    Rule 5: Break these rules.
    Knowing when to break the rules is almost as important as knowing when to follow them.

    Fake choices.
    -- A decision with no real consequences can be almost as fun, as long as you don’t let the player realize that their decision had no effect. (Of course, players are certain to discover the secret on future replays, so try to avoid using this technique too often.)

    Unfounded choices and the spirit of exploration.
    -- The old CYOA books were fun to explore, despite not always having clear reasons to choose one option over another. Some people tried every option anyway, just to see what would happen. If you want your players to explore all of their options, make them ALL equally appealing and let the players try them all.

     -- Exploring a large tree of choices can become a chore; trying all the options nested within option 1, then all the options nested within option 2, and so on. It can feel a little like mowing the lawn.

    Just do it!
    -- Theorizing about games can be a fascinating exercise -- almost as much fun as playing and writing them, but theory can also clog up your creativity. If you’re tying yourself in knots trying to make all of your options equally satisfying to explore every possible branch of your story, or to satisfy every category of player, then just forget about it. If you miss something, you can fix it later!


    Thursday, May 10, 2012

    Yaoi Story - Director's Cut Edition

    Yaoi Story
    Director's Cut Edition!
    An Erotic ~ M/M ~ Visual Novel
    Yaoi Story is a Mad-Libs type of game where the player adds character names, objects, body parts, and perversions to the story. In addition, there are 5 locations to choose from with their own variations on the story.

    Content Warning:  Ages 18+!!! 
    Explicit text and soft-core images.

     Download from:
    117 MB - Windows ~ Mac ~ Linux

    To play: extract folder, open it, and click on the Yaoi Story DCE.exe icon.

    New Features:
    Upgraded and Updated to Renpy 6.13.12
    Larger size: 1024x768
    New and Improved Interface
    Updated Graphics + some new additions!

    The Main Characters...


